Towards Becoming a Leading Latex Concentrate Producer for Sustainable Future
About V.A.Latex
Produce all types of concentrated latex with consistent quality that meets all specifications. We produce HA Latex (Hight Ammonia Latex), LATZ Latex (Low Ammonia Latex), MA Latex (Medium Ammonia Latex), concentrated latex in the form of FSC concentrated Latex, and TMTD Free Concentrated Latex.
Our Company still has Skim Block that is clean, beautiful color, consistent, odor-free so that customers can confidently bring it into the production process without odor pollution problem.
Our factory designs the production process by using the Gravity flow principle by allowing fresh latex to flow into the production process from the latex blender to the tank to store the concentrated latex without using a pumping machine to waste energy and does not cause air pollution.
To be the part of making the work sustainable.
We commit to accelerate sustainable latex concentrate, while balancing environment, social, and governance.
Core Value
V: Value A: Agility
Value to enhance of well-being in the community and environment.
Agility to mobility with the global trend.
Business Products